Specialized Cargo
Specialized Cargo
R.P.A. PORT LTD offers point-to-point solutions for cargo of every imaginable type, weight and size, to and from locations throughout the world. Our tailor-made solutions ensure that your cargo reaches its destination safely and securely, including: out of gauge, oversized and overweight cargo, perishables that require temperature control and special containerized solutions, hazardous cargo, ammunitions, live animals and more.
Using close control, cargo is accompanied throughout every leg of the journey, with clients able to observe their cargo in transit, in real time. We use only best-of-breed carriers by air, sea, road and rail, and our access to specialized aircraft, such as the An-124, and to specialized railway equipment, including grain, cistern, half and closed wagons and all adjacent apparatus necessary for cargo lifting, means no cargo is too large or too heavy.
R.P.A. Port Ltd also specializes in the former Soviet Union countries, where we have been one of the leading forwarders for over twenty years, and where our close connections enable first-rate service and best available rates. With unrivalled knowledge, experience and integrity, and professional agents and representatives located across the globe, R.P.A. Port Ltd provides consummate service for all specialized cargo needs.